Terms & Conditions


The BMTFA (British Metals Tubes and Fittings Association) is a Trade Association proud to represent the interests of its members who are involved in the manufacture and distribution of metal tubes and fittings in the UK.  Our goal is to provide a dedicated, representative voice for the metal tubes and fittings industry. By engaging with partners and stakeholders on behalf of our members, we aim to ensure that the industry works as effectively as possible in the interests of our members and their customers.

  • BMTFA’s technical focus is to ensure the quality of all products supplied in or imported into the UK satisfy the specifications of the UK markets. 
  • However, no reliance should be made on any guidance or information which the BMTFA supply.
  • The recipient should satisfy themselves of the accuracy and appropriateness of the guidance and information.
  • They should also satisfy themselves as to the suitability of products for the intended application and associated operating conditions and/or any relevant regulatory or legislative requirements that may apply. 
  • Neither BMTFA nor any of its committees or members accept any responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage, including loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of data or any third party claims, which may arise from the use of BMTFA information.
  • As BMTFA is a Trade Association, we are unable to provide any kind of endorsement or recommendation regarding products in use. 
  • Equally we cannot recommend whether certain products should be used in place of those that have been certified to a standard. 
  • Product types and associated standards have been identified my BMTFA members as being the most representative within the UK market, however, other manufactures and product types may also exist outside of BMTFA membership, therefore users of BMTFA information should ensure all product types and technical offerings are considered, as other options may be available.  
  • BMTFA’s industry information packs have been prepared by members and the BMTFA Technical Committee, which is made up of building services product specialist and applications engineers, such information is provided for guidance only with the view to help improve awareness of a particular subject area.
  • While care has been taken to ensure that information supplied within such document is accurate, members of the BMTFA accept no responsibility or liability arising from any  for errors or for information contained in this guidance.
  • Once printed, any BMTFA technical information is not controlled and may become out of date, please ensure latest versions are referred to.
  • If regulation alone is insufficient, we would propose that the following are also observed as key lessons learned:
    • Product Integrity: Ensure the accurate provision and use of manufacturer product information and it is fit-for-use.
    • Project and Product Information: Badges of conformity can assist professionals and their clients make increasingly complicated decisions more quickly and safely. They help people without the technical expertise know what to ask for. However, they are only as good as the product or manufacturing testing and approval system upon which they rely. That testing or approval system must be robust, transparent, and trusted.
    • Competence: Consider the minimum level of product understanding required to interact with product in question.